How to craft the perfect SEO page title

Getting SEO right can really help to boost the performance but the number of technical terms can be confusing. Here's our blog on how to create the perfect SEO page title.

If you’re just starting out in SEO, all the terms and definitions can be incredibly confusing. The term ‘SEO page title’ is no exception. 

If you’re wondering what an SEO page title means or how to write an effective one, you’re in the right place. Crafting an impactful headline is an essential skill for SEO and content marketing - the title is the first thing users will see in the search results, and it’s one of the key ways Google works out the topic of a page. But what exactly is an SEO page title, and why is it so important for SEO?

This blog will cover what an SEO page title is, how to write an effective page title, what a title tag is, and how to write a compelling title tag. 

What is an SEO page title?

The phrase SEO page title is confusing because most people aren’t sure what title this refers to.

All web pages should have two titles: a page title and a title tag. These two titles might be the same, but they aren’t always. An SEO title can refer to either of these titles. 

What’s a page title?

A page title is also called an H1. This HTML heading is often the largest and most important heading on the page. It appears at the top of your webpage and should be denoted using the H1 tag.

It’s important to remember that the page title doesn’t appear in the search results. 

What’s a title tag?

The title tag or HTML title appears in search results and the browser tab. It’s a hyperlink that searchers will click to be directed to your page. This is sometimes called the meta title. 

It’s important to remember that the title tag doesn’t show up on the actual web page itself. 

How can you view the title tag?

The easiest way to view any page’s title tag is to look at the source of the page. You can access this by right-clicking on the page and then choosing View Page Source. You should see a title in the head section. 

The title tag should look like this:

<title>How To Craft The Perfect SEO Page Title</title>

What’s the point of page titles in SEO?

Now you know the difference between a page title and a title tag, it’s time to get into why page titles are important for SEO. Page titles don’t show in search engine results pages [SERPs], so why do they have an impact on SEO?

The simple answer is that an effective and well-written page title improves the user experience on your page. A page title confirms what your page is about and helps confirm that searchers are in the right place. Google introduced Core Web Vitals in 2020, which gives a ranking boost to pages with good user experience. Using meaningful and accurate page titles is a part of this. 

A page title should be compelling and entice readers to continue reading. This can help decrease bounce rates and increase users' time on your page. Visitors who find helpful content that matches the page title will be more likely to remain on your site and visit other pages. This signals to Google that your page contains high-quality content. 

Page titles also help search engines understand what your page is about. Search Engine Journal believes a detailed and clear page title helps Google understand your page's structure and content. This can help you rank higher in SERPs. 

3 tips to craft the perfect SEO page title

1. Use relevant keywords

Aim to use one of your primary keywords in your page title. However, avoid stuffing your title with too many keywords. A keyword-stuffed page title won't make sense to readers. 

2. Be specific 

Be specific and clear about what your page is about. Avoid general or vague page titles, as users are more likely to be disappointed if your page is irrelevant to their search query.  

3. Pay attention to the length 

Although page titles don’t have a character or word limit, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the length of your page title. Semrush recommends keeping your page title to under 60 characters.

Why are title tags important for SEO?

Title tags are even more important for SEO than page titles. 

An effective title tag should make users click on it when they see it in the SERPs. They should communicate what the page is about and encourage users to click on your page over your competitors. The more users that click on your title over time, the higher your page will rank in the search results. 

Google also uses the title tag to rank a web page for relevant queries. Using your primary keyword in your title tag will help your page appear higher in the SERPs.

Title tags are also used when the page is shared on social media. A compelling title tag can significantly increase the click-through rate when your page is shared.

How to write title tags for SEO

1. Keep within the maximum length

Google automatically cuts off title tags if they are over 60 characters. Longer title tags are also more likely to be rewritten by Google. So, keep your title tags under the maximum length.  

2. Be clear and consistent 

Title tags should be written in title case to make it clear that they’re a title. If you use any word separators, be consistent in the type and when and how you use them. 

3. Be specific 

Like your page title, your title tag should be specific and relevant to your content. Avoid vague or generalised titles. A unique title tag can also help your page stand out in search results.

4. Include your brand name

If your brand is well-known or an authority on your topic, include it in your title tag. This is usually at the start or end of the title tag and separated by a hyphen or pipe. 

5. Use enticing and compelling language 

Make your page stand out from the rest of the results by using persuasive language. This might be through appealing to users' pain points or emotions. 

6. Include your primary keyword

Including one of your primary keywords in your title tag is essential. This will make sure your page is ranked for relevant search queries. 

Should my page title and title tag be the same?

In many cases, your title tag will exactly match your page title. However, sometimes you must shorten your title tag to fit within the 60-character limit. You might also include your brand name in your title tag but not your page title. 

When to get help 

Writing effective page titles and title tags can be a confusing part of SEO that’s difficult to master. Forgetting title tags on your web pages can really hurt your SEO rankings. If you’re struggling with creating compelling titles or any other aspect of SEO, it might be time to get some outside help. 

An experienced digital marketing agency can write high-quality, SEO-optimised content with effective title tags and page titles. 

The team at Logica Digital has over 15 years of experience in SEO strategy and digital marketing. We offer a free digital marketing audit to help you understand how your current SEO strategy is performing and how it can be improved. 

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Blog written by

Kezia Humphries
Content Executive