Top 5 digital marketing strategies to drive traffic to your website

Got a great website but struggling to drive traffic to it? Read our guide to find out more about the top five strategies that can help you to drive high quality traffic to your website.

One of the most essential elements of a digital marketing strategy is having a website that your prospective customers can find and visit before they buy your products or services.

However, you can have a great, well-designed and informative website but, if noone visits it, noones going to buy from you. 

Driving traffic to your website can sometimes be a bit tricky. However, you should know that you are not alone! A huge 61% of marketers state that their biggest challenge is generating traffic and leads to their website. 

But that doesn’t mean that all is lost. There are plenty of different ways you can drive the correct traffic to your site to grow your brand awareness, increase conversions, and build a strong client base. 

Below we have listed a few of the top ways to drive more traffic to your website that are the best at getting results. 

1. Content creation is key

Creating high quality, relevant content for your business and services is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website. 

Once you have narrowed down your buyer personas and target audience, you will be able to identify what they are searching for and how you can optimise your content for their searches. As long as you are able to create consistent content that is of high quality and relevant to your business, your ranking in the search results should increase and you should see an increase in website traffic too.

Having a higher ranking in the searches is how more people will be able to find your website. This, in turn, will drive more traffic to your website as your site will show above the competitors. Increasing your ranking through creating content can also result in your site becoming one which is viewed as an expert in its topic area.

2. Become a topic expert

Staying consistent with your content and producing interesting and helpful reads will slowly increase your site's authority and ranking. This is because the content you are releasing is becoming trustworthy and you are developing a reputation for being an expert in your certain topic/services. Google favours sites that are deemed experts in their topic area and niche.

One of the best ways to do this is to follow the Topic Cluster model. Firstly, a pillar page is a long blog post that covers (broadly) all the different elements of the topic you are writing about. In this blog will be hyperlinks to other blogs that go into more detail about the different topic areas. These blogs are called supporting blogs or “cluster content”.

For example you could have a pillar page on skin care that broadly covers this topic. Within this post you’ll have information on all different types of skin care, like sun protection, and acne treatments, for example. These different topic areas will have hyperlinks to content that discusses this area in more detail. These are your supporting blogs.

Following this method shows Google that you have covered a topic completely, and will allow your page, and in turn your site, to rank higher in the SERPs due to becoming a voice of expertise in that topic. 

Source: Hubspot 

3. Take care of on-page SEO

On-page SEO includes elements such as the page title, the header of the content, meta title and meta description, the URL of the page, the alt-text of an image, and so much more. 

It’s called on-page SEO as it literally takes into account what can be seen on the pages of your website. Optimising these elements not only makes your site more user friendly for your customers and their eyes, but also makes it easier for search engine bots, like the ones from Google, to crawl the pages and rank them. Without your site being optimised correctly you will gain a lower ranking and not be found in the top results in SERPs. 

Content elements

The content elements on the page are the pieces of information and content you post on your site. Every bit of information on your website needs to be relevant to your business and of high-quality. Do your research first and look for keywords that your competitors use (or ones they may have missed) to see what you could target too. This will ensure your on-page content is strong and optimised for SEO.

HTML elements

The HTML elements refer to the bits in your source code such as page title, header, meta descriptions, image alt-text, page URLs, and so on. 

To optimise these for SEO you need to be making sure they are clear and concise; explaining exactly what it is that’s on the page they are linked to. 

For example, the page title should be no longer than 60 characters and should include your main keyword for that page. Another example is the image alt-text. Keep this description relevant but don’t keyword stuff, and keep the count under 125 characters. The image alt-text tells the search engines what the image is about, so it’s important to have a high quality description to go along with the image. 

Off-page SEO 

Off-page SEO is slightly different to on-page and refers to elements that work behind the scenes for your website to make sure it runs well. You might not be able to see these physically on your site but getting them right forms the basis of a successful SEO strategy.

Site architectural elements

This includes elements such as, how fast your pages load on desktop and mobile devices (site speed), how easy your URL is to read, and the internal links you have across your website.

Making sure your website loads quickly across all devices is a number one priority for SEO optimisation. You can have a great site, but if it doesn’t load quick enough the chances are that your bounce rate will be high as people will click back off it.

The URL of the page should be easy for both a user and a search engine to understand. This makes it easier for bots to crawl a page and rank it, and also for users to understand what the page consists of. Take out unnecessary keywords and try to be specific with your URL’s. 

Finally, the ease of internal linking is a great way to boost your on-page SEO. If both users and search engines find it easy to get from one page to the other through links and hyperlinks, this can do wonders for your SEO optimisation.


Gaining authority for your website can be accomplished not just by becoming a topic expert, but by gaining backlinks. 

Backlinks are other websites that have linked to your website somehow. This can be through a mention of your website in their blog post, or even giving you credit for something you created for them. However another site links to yours, this is a backlink.

Gaining backlinks creates high authority for your website. However, these backlinks need to be from other websites of high authority for Google and other search engines to recognise them as credible. 

There are two ways backlinks can drive more traffic to your website. The first is through referral. This is where a user has come to your website through a link from another website. The second is by improving your rankings in SERP. The more high quality backlinks your website has, the more authority and credibility it will gain. This will give it the boost it may need to rank higher in SERPs. 

One of the easiest ways to gain credible backlinks is by being a guest blogger and guest posting on another site that is well down and has high authority. However, creating a relationship with the site owner to allow you to do this, can be tricky!

4. Utilise video marketing and social media platforms

A great way to drive traffic to your website (while also killing two birds with one stone) is to start using video marketing - especially on your social media pages. 

Today's audience is more engaged with video content than ever. This is especially true across social media. Take Instagram for example, they have most recently introduced “reels” and use this as their main algorithm focus. 

Integrating some form of video marketing into your business can drastically improve the traffic to your site, but only if you’re using the right types of videos and in the right way. Creating and releasing video content just for the sake of it, is not going to work. Like your written content, the videos need to be relevant, high quality, and eye-catching. Having something that stands out is going to draw more attention than other content.

It’s important to remember however, the golden 80% 20% rule! 80% of your video content should be quirky, lifestyle content such as “a day in the life of” or “behind the scenes” footage. The other 20% can then be filled with information on your business and services and be more sales focused. Audiences tend to engage with lifestyle content more than sales content. However, this doesn’t mean that sales videos don’t catch their attention too! It just means that too much of it can seem “spammy” and boring, resulting in a lack of engagement and possible drop in traffic.

5. Run PPC Ads (Paid Search)

Paid ads are a great way to gain attention of new and current customers. These can show up across social media pages and even in the search engine results. The best thing about these types of campaigns is that you will only spend money for every click your ad receives. Meaning if, for any reason, your ad doesn’t gain any traffic you will not pay a penny. This helps you to not only save money, but to have ads that are drawing in the correct audience to your business. 

Using videos within these ads is another way to kill two birds with one stone. Your ad will more than likely receive more engagement from the use of video and can therefore result in more clicks and traffic driven to your website.

Social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram have a great tool where you can create an ad from an existing post. This is called “boost post”. This makes it super easy to create a quick social media ad - especially if you already have a killer video you have posted before.

6. Make use of Local SEO

Local SEO is where your keyword research and your content is focused on the area you supply. This is sometimes the best place to start, especially if you own a small business or a business with a brick and mortar store. 

Targeting local SEO terms can boost your rankings locally and help you to gain more traffic through local people (and businesses if applicable). This is a great way to drive traffic to your website and to create a reputable name for your company in your local area. 

An easy way to do this is by placing your location in your heading and content you produce. For example, if your business is set in South Yorkshire and you are a Photography studio, using terms like “Photography studio in South Yorkshire” will improve your local SEO. From this, you can then start to focus on more generic SEO terms rather than location based.

Or, if you supply products or services to a number of different areas, you can create specific landing pages which are optimised for the right location terms. 

Where Logica Digital can help

If you want to drive more traffic to your website but you’re still not sure on the ins and outs of the strategy, or maybe you don't have the time to focus on it, Logica Digital can do the work for you. We are experts in every aspect of traffic driving - and of course so much more! With 15 years experience in this exact field you can sit back and watch your traffic numbers grow with our help.

To see what we can do for you and how we can help your business, claim your free audit - no strings attached, we promise!

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Blog written by

Lucy Forrest
Digital Account Manager