What are the benefits of working with a Sheffield-based digital marketing agency?

Digital marketing is now a requirement for most businesses. Should you hire a Sheffield digital marketing agency or work with a national marketing agency? Let's have a look at the key differences and the benefits.

Digital marketing is now a requirement for most businesses. According to statistics, by 2024, worldwide digital advertising spend is predicted to surpass $645 billion, after already doubling between 2019-2023. These stats show just how many businesses are turning to digital marketing as the primary method of telling their potential customers about their products and services. 

You’re probably here because you know you need digital marketing for your business and you want to outsource it to a digital marketing agency. 

But, should you hire a Sheffield digital marketing agency or work with a national digital marketing agency? 

There are a number of factors to consider when deciding whether or not to work with a local digital marketing agency based in Sheffield. 

Let’s have a look at the key benefits of working with a digital marketing agency in Sheffield. 

Why work with a local Sheffield digital marketing agency? 

The decision to work with a digital marketing agency isn’t an easy one. You’re putting the growth and future success of your business into someone else’s hands so you want to trust the agency you’re working with. Choosing whether to use a national agency or a local agency will depend on what you want to get out of the relationship and how closely you want to work with the team who will be taking care of your digital marketing.

Here’s why you should work with a local, Sheffield based digital marketing agency…

Benefit #1: Provides an extension of your in-house team

You might already have an in-house marketing team who don’t specialise in digital or you might be trying to do everything yourself. However you are currently looking after your marketing, you might be worried that the agency you work with won’t be connected to your business or your team. 

If you choose to work with an agency that’s close-by, you’ll have an agency that’s able to work closely with your business, regularly visiting your premises to learn more about what you do. You’ll also be able to meet their team and work closely with them and they’ll be able to provide you with regular reports and updates on what they’re working on. 

Rather than being an outsourced entity that just gets on with what they’re doing, as a small business, you probably want your marketing team to work as an extension of your business and this is one of the biggest benefits of working with someone local. They will take the time to get to know your business and customers closely which gives you a much more personalised approach than you might get with a national agency. 

Benefit #2: Regular face to face contact and communication 

When you work with a local agency, you can book regular face to face meetings with them when you need to. This might be initially to help them understand your vision for your business and on an ongoing basis to chat about the progress of your campaigns. If your a small business owner who wants to have more of a hands on approach with your digital marketing campaigns, this is ideal. 

In addition, if your business is subject to quick changes or your market pivots, a small, local and flexible team can be really helpful. Larger national agencies have bigger teams to manage so it can be tricky for them to make changes to your campaigns quickly. 

Often, over email or phone, ideas can be lost in translation which can cause frustration, wasted time and budget until you can effectively communicate what it is that you actually want. 

Working with an agency thats nearby allows you to meet in person when you need to so that both you and your agency can communicate easily on your campaigns and visions for the future. It’s a good opportunity to get to know the people you’ll be working with and work out how you will push your business forwards by working together. 

At Logica Digital, we like to meet with our clients on a regular basis so we can understand their businesses and their needs to provide effective marketing strategies. 

Benefit #3: A more personalised approach 

Local agencies tend to be smaller which means they can provide you with a more personal touch. They’re more likely to provide you with a customised and personalised digital marketing strategy that will reach your target customers when they’re browsing online. 

The team at Logica takes the individual needs of every business we work with into account when planning a strategy which allows us to get the best from every client’s budget. 

Benefit #4: Expertise in the local market 

Local people know the area well and they understand the best ways to reach and engage with potential customers in your market. This is something that a national agency or an agency based further away may not have an understanding of. If you’re a local business, this is essential. 

An agency that knows the local market can help you to gain an understanding of your competition and how you can stand out in a crowded market. 

Benefit #5: A local reputation 

If you’re looking to work with a Sheffield agency, you might want to speak to some of their other clients to find out what they’re like to work with and whether they can deliver on their promises. This is much easier to do with a local agency because it’s likely that their customer base is local too. 

Plus, they’re trying to build a reputation in their local area so they’re motivated to deliver the best results for their clients. See if you can get recommendations from other clients before you work with them. 

Key takeaways 

We know that giving an agency control and trusting them to look after your digital marketing campaigns can be a big leap for many businesses. National agencies tend to have much larger teams which means your campaigns are likely to be looked after by a number of different people. On the other hand, a local agency will have a smaller team and your point of contact is likely to be the same so you can build a relationship with them and they can develop a clear understanding of your business, your market and your customers. 

If you want to work with a Sheffield-based digital marketing agency, contact our team today for a free digital marketing audit and see how we can work together.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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Blog written by

Mark Skinner