5 benefits of outsourcing content marketing 

When you want to create a content marketing strategy for your business it can be difficult to dedicate the time and resources needed to make sure it's successful. Here are the top benefits of outsourcing your content marketing.

Content marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. However, many businesses are concerned with the sheer volume of content that needs to be created and the resources and time it takes to continually produce content that will attract and engage leads. 

Hubspot research shows that 82% of marketers in 2023 are actively investing in content marketing. This is a huge number of businesses and could mean if you’re not investing in content for your business, you could be left far behind your competitors. And, in such a crowded marketplace, it’s essential that your customers are able to find you online.

Many agencies outsource their digital marketing strategies to a specialist agency and content marketing is no different. 

You might think that you and your team are the only people who can, and should, be creating content for your business, especially if you operate in a more niche or complex market. 

But, in our experience, if you partner with the right agency and someone who will get to know your business as well as you do, outsourcing content marketing is a great way to help you establish authority online, build your sales pipeline and continue attracting and engaging customers to your business. 

So, let’s have a look at the key benefits of outsourcing your content marketing to an agency. 

Why should you outsource your content? 

Partnering with an experienced digital marketing or content marketing agency to help you create website content, landing pages, blog posts, ebooks, social media content and more for your business, you benefit from their experience across all other elements of digital marketing and how content sits within your full strategy. 

1. Content will be optimised for SEO too 

Search engine optimisation (SEO) and content marketing go hand in hand. Having plenty of high-quality content is great but you want your target audience to actually read it. 

One of the most effective ways to do this is to ensure that it appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs). And this means it needs to be optimised for the seach terms your customers are using when they’re searching online. 

A good content marketing agency will conduct keyword research and build your content marketing strategy around the terms your customers are using and their pain points. This means your content will directly help your customers or offer them a solution to their problem, making them more likely to want to buy from you. 

In addition, your agency will also be up-to-date on Google’s best practices and any algorithm changes so that they can adapt your strategy accordingly. They will also be able to analyse your existing content and help to optimise it so that it appears higher in the search results. 

2. An agency has dedicated time and resource for your content

One of the biggest challenges with creating content in-house is it’s often left to the marketing team who need to rely on subject matter experts or who are busy with their day to day roles. When the business is busy, these people do not have time to put the time required into creating content and it will be pushed down the priority list and deadlines will be missed. 

Particularly within SMEs, it can be extremely difficult to find the time and resources required to really dedicate to content marketing because it requires continuous input.

On the other hand, when you outsource the work to an agency, that have dedicated time and a team of experts who have a set amount of time every month to work on your content. You’ll just need to work alongside them to make sure the content matches your brand voice and the message you want to get out there. An agency who has spent time getting to know you and your business shouldn’t need too much help here and you’ll be able to trust them to create high-quality content for your business. 

3. Access to expert content writers 

To make sure they can offer the best service to their clients, digital marketing agencies will employ a team of expert content writers. There’s more to good writing than just avoiding spelling and grammatical errors so you’ll also benefit from writers who can:

  • Develop an effective content marketing strategy 
  • Spend time with subject matter experts to develop their understanding of a topic 
  • Structure content for user experience to make sure its easy for your customers to read 
  • Translate technical or complex information into content that’s easy to digest and tells customers what they need to know 
  • Align content with your brand and brand voice 
  • Understand how your content fits into the rest of your overall digital marketing strategy 

It can be difficult to find in-house writers who can offer all of this so for SMEs, it often makes more sense and is more cost-effective to outsource content to an agency. 

Content should never directly sell your products or servies. It should be helpful and engaging for your target audience, providing them with answers to their questions and matching their intent. If you have an in-house team creating content for your brand, it can be easy to fall into the trap of just using content to directly promote your business - this isn’t what customers are looking for! 

4. Fresh eyes on your business 

Partnering with an agency and a whole team of people who dedicate their time and expertise to writing content for a range of brands can provide you with a fresh perspective on your business and they might be able to provide you with ideas for content you hadn’t thought of before.

Outsourcing content creation gives you access to the expertise the team may have from working across a number of industries and businesses of varying sizes. They’re likely to know more about content marketing and industry trends that they can utilise to come up with new ideas and find the best ways to connect with your target audience. 

5. Boost ROI 

When you outsource content marketing, the main worry can be whether or not you’re going to see a good return on investment (ROI). But, your agency should provide you with a way to measure your return by providing regular reports and letting you know how they’re going to tweak your strategy if it’s not quite working. Content marketing can take time to get right so you need to give your agency a couple of months to get everything up and running before you’ll start to see results. 

The following metrics can be measured to show you the ROI of the content being created for your business: 

  • Conversions and the number of views a piece of content received 
  • The number of follows, shares and engagement for a specific piece of content 
  • The content’s position on the search engines
  • The number of visits driven to your website as a result of a piece of content

Outsourcing content to an agency gives you access to experts who will plan your content strategy around your overall business goals and make sure it slots perfectly into your overall strategy. High-quality and optimised content that’s published regularly with help to increase leads, engagement and conversions for your business. 

Key takeaways 

Outsourcing your content marketing strategy means you’ll benefit from a team of experts which will free up yours and your team’s time to focus on other aspects of your business. It will help you to grow your business by increasing leads and conversions. 

From saving money to increasing your brand awareness, outsourcing content marketing provides a wide range of benefits.

If you’d like to find out more about how to transform your content marketing strategy, contact hello@logica-digital.co.uk to request a free digital marketing audit. 

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Blog written by

Amy Ward