B2B Digital Marketing Strategy: The best methods for measuring effectiveness

Want to know more about the metrics you should be tracking to measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns? Take a look at our blog for the 6 metrics you should be measuring for success.

More than ever, B2B digital marketing budgets are tighter and under greater scrutiny than ever. So every penny needs to prove that it can impact revenue. 

This is where metrics and KPIs come in. 

They help you to monitor, record and measure campaign performance. Essentially, it enables you to see where you’re getting the best engagements, what’s supporting sales conversion and where changes need to be made.

All this can shape future digital marketing strategies and help decide where to place budget for maximum ROI and revenue generation. 

So which metrics should you be tracking in B2B marketing? 

Let’s look at the top 6 digital marketing metrics…

Why metrics are a must-have in B2B digital marketing

But first, let’s whizz through why metrics are so beneficial:

✅See which lead sources provide the highest ROI 

✅Understand which target audience is most lucrative 

✅Identify the most successful channels, you can allocate more marketing spend 

✅See the impact of experimentation 

Ultimately, it saves you money and increases revenue. 

So without further adieu, let’s look at the metrics that help you identify just this…

6 digital marketing metrics to boost ROI and revenue 

When determining the success of your B2B digital marketing strategy, it’s important to focus on specific metrics. This will help you to keep track of your digital marketing strategies and whether it’s helping you to meet your goals. 

Here are 6 of the most important metrics to track...

1. Website traffic 

Your website is the first interaction most of your B2B customers will have with your brand. 

It’s the home of your business and is where you’re going to drive traffic from all of your digital marketing efforts. 

If you’re driving traffic to your website from a number of different sources, the chances are, your digital marketing campaigns are working. 

When running digital marketing campaigns, if you find that website traffic is dropping off, we recommend taking a closer look at your website and any technical issues could help you to keep on top of any fixes you might need to make.

2. Traffic by source 

If you want to know how well your B2B digital marketing campaigns are working, looking at where your website traffic is coming from is a great place to start. 

It’s a great way to find out which of your marketing channels are currently driving the most traffic. 

Google Analytics will show sources such as: 

  • Direct traffic - people who go directly to your website by typing the URL into their browsers 
  • Paid search - visitors who click on your ad after searching for a relevant keyword 
  • Organic search - visitors who land on your site after using a search engine 
  • Referral - people who arrive on your site after clicking on a link from another blog or website 
  • Social media - people who arrive on your site after visiting your social media platforms or a piece of content that has been shared 


3. New vs returning visitors 

If you want to know whether your digital marketing campaigns are successful, knowing how many visitors are coming back is a key metric. 

These visitors let you know how useful your content is. If they’re coming back again - there’s obviously something they like! 

Tracking this on a monthly basis can show you how well your content is performing. If you’re seeing more return visitors every month, you can assume that your content is performing well. 

4. Average session duration 

Knowing how long visitors spend on your website is another way to know how well your website performs. 

The more time people spend on your website, the more they’re getting to know your brand, what you do, and what you offer. 

People who spend longer on your site are more likely to convert, so checking this metric can help you understand why people might not stay on your website as long as you would like. 

Have a look at the quality of your content, page speed, and user experience if you find that people aren’t sticking around for long. 

5. Bounce rate 

What do we mean by bounce rate? 

This is the number of people who land on your website and leave without visiting any other pages. 

You want to have a low bounce rate because, ideally, you want visitors to be visiting more than one page on your website and, eventually, finding the information they need to convert. 

If you have a high bounce rate have a look at the following factors and see if it improves int the following months:

  • Errors on your website 
  • Broken links 
  • Poor optimisation 
  • Site speed 

Keeping an eye on the above elements on a regular basis can help you to continuously improve your site and keep those bounce rates low. 

Plus, the biggest benefit is, you’ll see better results from your B2B digital marketing campaigns.

6. Conversion rate 

Google Analytics can also help you understand the number of people converting after visiting your website. 

This doesn’t necessarily have to be a sale. If you set goals for your website, you can track other conversions such as:

  • Subscriptions 
  • Sign ups 
  • Downloads 

If you find that conversion rates are low, it’s important to look at where you can make improvements across your digital marketing campaigns and your website. 

Key takeaways

Digital marketing takes time and tweaking before it’s going to start driving traffic and sales for your business. It’s not a sprint. Slowly making changes over time will help you to optimise your campaigns until you find a method that drives consistent results over time. 

Keep your goals in mind when you’re measuring the effectiveness of your campaigns and make sure you give them time to work. If you tweak your campaigns, we recommend waiting a couple of months before tweaking again to make sure you know which change had the desired (or undesired) effect. 

Looking at the metrics we’ve listed should give you a good indication of what’s working and what isn’t. 

If you’d like to find out more about digital marketing that can get results for your B2B business, please get in touch on hello@logica-digital.co.uk. Or, jump straight in and request a free digital marketing audit. 

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Blog written by

Mark Skinner