Google Ads Automation: What is it and why does it matter? 

Google is always looking for ways to improve the way the search engine works, and part of this is automated bidding features. In this blog, we'll have a look at what Google's automated features are and how they could benefit your business.

Google is constantly looking to update and improve the way the search engine works and the results it shows to its users. And the Google Ads platform is no different. 

Google has gradually begun to automate many features of the platform to make it easier for advertisers to use. However, with so many automated features available, it’s important to understand what these are and when or how you should use them. 

If your business is using Google Ads and wondering what the automated features are and how they could benefit your business, read on for more information…

How does Google Ads work? 

When you use Google Ads, you’re entering an auction. The auction only takes seconds to occur, but several factors are involved. When a searcher uses Google, the platform quickly scans its database of advertisers to show the best search results (paid and organic) for that user’s query. 

How do they do this? 

They use something called ‘ad rank’.

Ad rank takes a number of factors into account including: 

  • Maximum cost per click bid 
  • Historical click-through rate
  • Landing page relevance
  • The use of Ad Assets (Sitelinks, Callout etc.)

These factors help determine which ads are shown for a particular query. Remember that Google always wants to show its users the most relevant ad to them that matches their intent and provides them with the information they need. They will also determine the quality scores of your ads, which increase or decrease the chances of your ad being shown above your competitors. 

One of the biggest changes we’ve seen with Google Ads is changes to the way you bid. This is where automation is driving results, so it’s important to know what it is and how it works. 

Here are the top Google Ads automation tools and strategies you need to be aware of: 

1. Automated Bidding

Manual bidding was the traditional bidding strategy used for Google Ads. Advertisers entered the maximum amount they were willing to pay per click (CPC) on each ad and would then adjust this bid based on the ad’s performance over time. 

On the other hand, automated bidding enables Google to adjust these bids for you based on real-time data and the likelihood that the ad is going to be clicked. Google has access to far more data than we do and utilises machine learning, allowing them to decide whether someone sitting in London performing a search on their desktop is more or less likely to click or convert than someone searching on their mobile from Sheffield. 

With manual bidding, it can take days or weeks to gather this data, so automated bidding provides a quicker, real-time approach to helping your ads drive the best results. Google will decide on where your money is best spent and allow its machine learning to make sure your ads perform as well as possible. 

You can still use manual campaign bidding for now, but automated bidding will soon become mandatory, so you need to be aware of what it is and how to use it. 

Find out more about automated bidding in our blog: Google Ads: Automated Bidding and what you need to know.

2. Dynamic search ads 

Dynamic search ads create ads using the content you already have on your website. You can use these to generate headlines, landing pages, and keywords for your campaigns to save time. 

Dynamic search ads are updated on a regular basis to show the products and services you have on your website. This is great if you’re bidding on a huge number of keywords because these ads will make sure you’re not missing out on anything. 

One of the biggest challenges with Dymanic Search Ads is that the content on your website will need to be extremely well-written. They won’t work properly if you’re constantly changing your website or if it’s mostly images so be aware of this to make sure you get the most from your campaigns.

3. Broad Keyword Match

Broad Keyword Match is great for reaching a wider audience without finding all of the related keywords for your campaigns. 

This automation allows you to target searches that are similar to your initial keyword to scale your campaigns up and reach more people through related keywords. It will also take your landing page into account and compare it with the searcher’s recent searches to make sure it delivers the best results for your business. 

The feature works best when you pair it with automated or Smart Bidding because it targets a number of different keywords, making it impossible for you to bid manually. 

4. Smart Bidding 

Smart Bidding uses machine learning to optimise your Google Ads campaigns for higher conversion values each time the bid process occurs. This automation means you can take a more hands-off approach with managing your ads while allowing Google to help you reach your campaign goals. 

Goals include:

  • Cost per action (CPA) 
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) 
  • More conversions 
  • Maximised conversion value 
  • Enhanced cost per click (CPC) 

Once you set up Smart Bidding, Google’s machine learning will gather data over a short period to gain an understanding of how your ads are working and the results being driven. 

If you’re short on time or not sure entirely about the ins and outs of Google Ads, it can be tempting to opt for Smart Bidding. It can help you to optimise the fiddly parts of campaign management while still meeting your business goals. 

However, your campaigns will still need to be monitored and improved, so be careful not to fall into the trap of setting up your campaigns and just leaving them. 

So, why do you need a PPC agency if it’s automated? 

Automation is great. But does it mean you can just set your PPC campaigns up and leave them to work their magic? 

The answer is no! 

You might be wondering why you need to hire a PPC agency at all if they’re not going to take care of your bidding, add keywords to your account, or create your ads. There’s much more to Google Ads than that.

As we’ve already mentioned, even with all the automation available to you, you still can’t just set your campaigns up and expect them to be successful. As with anything automated, it still requires human input. Google might be able to show your ads to the right people at the right times and understand who is most likely to click on your ads, but it doesn’t know about the ins and outs of your business or what you’re looking to achieve over the long-term. 

A good PPC agency should take a strategic approach to managing your Google Ads account and campaigns. They will gain an understanding of your business, what you want to achieve and align your Google Ads campaigns accordingly. They also know what ad copy and creative is likely to resonate with your target audience so they can feed Google with the right information to drive the best results for your business. 

If you’d like to know more about how your Google Ads campaigns are currently performing, why not request a free digital marketing audit? We’ll take a close look at your ads account and show you where we can make improvements to drive performance and help you reach your business goals. 

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Blog written by

Mark Skinner