4 ways to accelerate B2B growth marketing in 2023 

More customers than ever are searching online for solutions to their problems and to find the products and services they need. This means having a digital marketing strategy in place has become essential for business growth.

If you’re a B2B business, digital marketing is now a must-have. 

More customers than ever are searching online for solutions and answers to their questions. And your customers are no different. 

But, if you’re running digital marketing activities, you’re going to want to get the most from them. Growth marketing can help you to accelerate your business growth for the year ahead. This allows you to monitor the activities that work best for your business and make sure your budget is hyper-focused and to ensure you’re getting the most from it.

In this blog, we’ll provide you with 4 ways to accelerate your B2B growth marketing strategy this year. 

What is B2B growth marketing? 

B2B growth marketing allows you to focus on generating highly qualified leads through a range of marketing channels. It’s the best approach for businesses who are looking to increase leads, sales and revenue quickly. 

It involves using a variety of marketing and communication channels to attract, engage and delight your target audience. You can then use data to find out what’s working and what isn’t so that you can improve or pivot your strategy if you need to. 

Growth marketing involves testing a number of strategies and continuously analysing the results so that you can find the activities that will drive business growth. 

The key benefits of growth marketing 

So many B2B brands are looking to increase lead generation in any way they can. It’s crucial to business success and building a consistent pipeline of leads that you can convert into sales and revenue for your business. 

Growth marketing has become a popular strategy among B2B marketers as a way to quickly and effectively drive leads. In fact, 61% of marketers say that driving traffic to their website and generating qualified leads is one of their top challenges. 

A growth marketing strategy provides the following benefits: 

  • Improves SEO - if you’re using content marketing in your overall marketing strategy, your website will naturally start to rank higher in the search results. If you create and share content that’s educational and informative for your audience, as well as follow SEO best practices, you’ll find that your website starts to rank higher in the search engine results for relevant search terms. 
  • Increases brand awareness - a B2B growth marketing strategy can help you to build brand awareness and improve your reputation with potential and existing customers. Creating and sharing high-quality content and getting it out to the right places will help customers to recognise your brand when they’re ready to make a purchase. It’s also a great way to build trust and credibility with your customers. 
  • Improve customer experience - by using more marketing tactics, such as email marketing, you’re able to communicate with your prospects and existing customers in a more personalised way. This can help with retention rates and higher quality customers who are likely to back again. 

Top 4 ways to accelerate B2B growth marketing for your business 

There are a number of ways to make sure that your digital marketing strategy helps you to drive growth for your business. If you want to make the most from your budget and campaigns, follow these steps.  

1. Create customer personas 

Finding and targeting the right audience is one of the most important aspects of a successful B2B growth marketing strategy. To get the most from your marketing budget, you need to be targeting the people who are most likely to buy from. Taking a scattergun approach to marketing and hoping your message will reach someone who might be interested is ineffective and will end up costing a huge amount of money. 

Knowing exactly who you’re targeting will help you to focus your marketing efforts, provide the right content on the right channels and, ultimately, drive leads for your business. 

We recommend creating 2-3 ideal personas for your business and think about: 

  • Their industry
  • Their pain ponts 
  • Their job title 
  • The responsibilities of their goal 
  • Their business goals and objectives 

This allows you to speak directly to your target audience and produce and share content that speaks directly to their pain points and problems and show them how you can help to solve them. 

2. Account based marketing 

Account based marketing involves focusing your budget and efforts on a particular set of businesses in a particular market. This is a great way to provide value to a target audience and build a personal relationship with them while you build awareness of your business. 

The benefits include: 

  • A more personalised marketing approach 
  • Helps to move customers through the marketing funnel 
  • Provides better ROI 
  • Focuses time and resources on people who are most likely to convert 

Focusing on specific companies and markets through an account-based marketing strategy means you’re not wasting time marketing to people who are never going to convert. Personalising the customer journey and tailoring your communications to prospect’s needs helps you see a better ROI for your efforts and a boost in customer loyalty. 

Traditional marketing tactics associated with inbound marketing involve casting a wide net and hoping that you find someone who will respond to your campaigns. On the other hand, account-based marketing targets specific individuals or companies. 

3. Target marketing activities across the funnel 

The marketing funnel refers to the stages a potential customer goes through from first learning about your business to making a purchase or contacting a sales person.

The B2B buyer journey has changed over the last few years and more customers than ever are looking for solutions online. B2B buyer’s also follow a much longer journey than B2C buyers so making sure that your marketing activities cover all of these stages will help you to reach people when they’re researching your brand and other options and lead them to make a purchase from you.  

📕 You can find out more about the B2B buyer’s journey in our ebook: Digital Marketing and Today’s B2B Buyer: New Rules of Digital Marketing

Every stage of the funnel is an important opportunity to connect with your potential customers and make them want to find out more about you and your business. 

The funnel leads customers from awareness through to post-sale and targeting them with the right activities at the right time will help you to keep in touch with them throughout their customer journey. 

  • Strategy - planning your strategy is key to the success of your campaigns 
  • Reach - this is where you’ll need to drive brand awareness while your customers are searching for your products or services 
  • Act - in this stage, you’ll need to guide your website visitors with the information they need to complete their research and start thinking about which brand they’re going to use 
  • Convert - encourage leads to take action and make a purchase or get in touch with your sales team 
  • Engage - keep existing customers engaged with your brand to turn them into repeat customers 

Keeping this funnel in mind and making sure that your digital marketing activities cover them will help you to drive business growth. 

4. Take a multi-channel approach 

Growth marketing requires the utilisation of a number of channels for success. You’ll need to test a number of channels to find the most successful channels and strategies for you, rather than relying on just a couple of channels. You’ll find that your channels will often work together across the marketing funnel to provide you with the best results. 

When budgets are tight, it’s essential to know which activities drive the best results for your business and ensure you get the most from your campaigns. You’ll need to understand how digital marketing channels fit into your strategy and how they can help you reach the right people at the right time. 

Here are the key channels we recommend: 


Search engine optimisation (SEO) involves optimising your SEO content and helping it rank higher in the search results for the keywords your target audience is using. This can help you to build visibility for your business and improve the quantity and quality of traffic to your website. 

(Organic search results example) 

You’ll need to focus on creating high-quality and relevant content for your target audience as well as optimising it for the keywords related to your business. Always make sure you write for humans first and then just make sure it’s well-optimised for search. You can find out more about writing content for humans in our blog. 

Key ways to optimise content include: 

  • Using the right keywords 
  • Including internal links 
  • Creating backlinks 
  • Optimising meta data 
  • Keeping an eye on Google’s algorithm updates 
  • Writing for humans and not for search engines 

Creating content for SEO is all about providing your target audience with the right information and making sure that your brand appears in the search results. Remember that SEO is a long-term strategy and not a quick fix!

Content marketing 

When used alongside SEO, content marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate leads and sales for your business. 

If you’re creating a content marketing strategy, always have these questions in mind: 

  • What do your customers need to know? 
  • What do your customers want to learn? 
  • What do your customers care about? 

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start creating valuable and relevant content that they’re going to find useful. An effective content marketing strategy can provide the following benefits: 

  • Increases brand awareness 
  • Brings traffic to your website 
  • Establishes your brand as an expert in your field 
  • Builds long-term relationships with potential customers 
  • Helps to acquire new customers 
Repurpose content 

It takes a lot of time and resource to create content so once you have it, take the time to repurpose it, turn it into a number of different formats and share it across various channels. 

This not only helps to save time on constantly creating content, it can also help you to maximise the impact of your content, get more out of it and reach more new people. 

Social media marketing 

Social media provides you with the perfect way to engage with your target audience and build long-term relationships. 

It also provides you with another way to share content with your target audience and drive traffic to your website. 

But, you need to use social media strategically to make sure it’s as effective as possible for your business. Be cautious of just bombarding your target audience with sales messages. You’ll still need to provide relevant and engaging content to help them solve their problems and build strong relationships. 

LinkedIn is one of the most effective channels for B2B businesses. This platform allows you to share content, connect with potential customers and build relationships with them until they’re ready to buy from you. 

Email marketing 

This is a highly effective tool for keeping your prospects and existing customers engaged throughout the sales cycle. It allows you to communicate personally with your prospects and provide them with the information they need to make a purchase decision. Keeping customers updating with information about your products, services and brand will help to keep your business at the forefront of their minds until they’re ready to buy from you. 

Research shows that email marketing is 40x more effective for acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. 

We recommend using lead magnets such as ebooks, checklists or cheat sheets (anything your customers will find useful) that your customers will be willing to exchange their details for. Once you have their email address, you can keep them updated with useful and relevant content that will help them to do their jobs or help to make their life easier. 

Think carefully about what your prospects are likely to want and need and send them content that will interest them. If you want to go a step further, segment your email lists so you can send even more personalised communications. 

PPC (Paid Search) 

Paid Search involves paying Google or other search engines for ad space in the search results which puts your brand in front of potential customers when they’re actively searching for your products or services. 

(Paid Search Ad Example) 

This allows you to target your prospective customers more precisely and find the people who  are actively looking for a solution. Remember that you’ll need a clear understanding of who your audience is so that you can use Google’s targeting options to target them by interests, gender, location and a number of other demographics. 

Highly targeted campaigns will help you to drive high quality leads for your business that will eventually become sales. If you want to accelerate growth for your business, PPC is an essential tool. 

Key takeaways

There are a number of ways to accelerate growth for your B2B business and following these steps can help you maximise your budget and drive high-quality leads for your business. In a competitive market, making sure that your brand is visible online is key to success. 

If you’d like to know more about how digital marketing can help you to grow your business, you can request a free digital marketing audit by contacting hello@logica-digital.co.uk 

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Blog written by

Amy Ward