A complete guide to Facebook ads for estate agents

Learn more about how to reach your ideal audience on Facebook to drive traffic and leads for your estate agency or property business in our blog.

Facebook is a highly powerful tool for a wide range of businesses. And property and estate agency is no different. Facebook now has over 2.8 billion daily active users ranging from people who are anywhere between 17-65 years. All of which could be your target market. 

As part of the property or estate agency sector, you can leverage Facebook advertising to generate more leads for your business and drive traffic to your website. You can carefully target buyers or sellers to drive leads but they’re also great for building brand awareness and increasing exposure. 

In this blog, we’ll have a look at how Facebook ads can work in the property and estate agency sector and how you can utilise them for your business. 

What are estate agent Facebook ads and why are they important? 

There’s so much competition in the property and estate agency sector so standing out is essential. Facebook ads can help you to reach a wider, targeted audience and capture their attention at all stages of the customer journey. 

Facebook ads can provide a number of benefits, including: 

  • Reach a wider audience and increase brand exposure 
  • Advertise your services more effectively 
  • Advertise properties to the right audience to increase sales 
  • Build social proof with testimonials and sold listings 
  • Generate more leads 

90% of estate agents use social media to promote property listings and, 41% of home buyers go online when looking for a property. This means it’s more important than ever to make sure your brand is online and you’re using Facebook. 

However, you need to use Facebook effectively to get the best results. 

How to get started with Facebook ads for your property business

Firstly, to get started with Facebook ads, you need a Facebook profile and a business page. Once you’ve done this, there are a few steps to follow to make sure you get the most from your ads and your budget. 

Choose an ad campaign objective 

The next step is to think about your business goals and what you want to achieve with your ads. Think about where prospective customers are likely to be in the sales funnel and how you can reach them. Choosing the right ad objective will help you to get the most from your campaigns. 

Awareness - these ads can help you to increase visibility with something that displays your brand, You could focus on the services you offer as well as your brands unique selling points. This helps you to build awareness of your business and can help to drive traffic to your website too. 

Traffic - use these to drive more people to your website or to specific listings. Make sure you use engaging images and headlines to capture the attention of your potential customers. 

Engagement - you can boost interaction by promoting the content that is most likely to resonate with your target audience to encourage them to likes, comment and share your posts and content. 

Leads - lead generation ads are a great tool for generating home buyer and seller leads. Use these ads to offer valuable content such as a free home valuation or a property search tool to gather the contact information of the people who are likely to use your services now or in the future.

Sales - these are also retargeting ads that can help you to stay engaged with the people who have already interacted with your business in some way online. You can use them to help close deals by reminding your potential clients of the listings they have viewed or shown an interest in. 


The targeting options that Facebook provides makes it one of the most effective paid advertising options available to you. 

Targeting options allow you to narrow your target audience down based on their interests, behaviours, location and much, much more. The range of targeting options available allows you to hone in on the right people for the right ads to ensure you drive as many leads as possible for your business. 

Choosing the right audience for your ads is essential for success. You need to focus on a specific group to make sure you drive leads and conversions. 

Here are some of the examples of target audiences you can go for and what they might be looking for: 

  • First time buyers - likely to be young professionals, people who have just got married or young families looking for their first home. 
  • Homeowners and sellers - these are people who will be looking to sell their property for a number of reasons and want to get the best price for their home. 
  • Downsizers - this is an older target market who are likely to be retired or empty nesters and are looking for smaller and more manageable homes to move into. 
  • Relocators - these are people who are moving to a new city for work or other personal reasons. 
  • Local residents - these are the people who are already living in the local area and will be looking to move to a bigger home or move to a new area. 
  • Investors - these are people who are interested in buying a property to rent out or to generate income from. 

Knowing who you’re targeting with your ads will not only help you to find the right targeting, it will also help you to make sure the messaging you include resonates with the right people on their property journey. 

Budget and timeframe of your ads 

Knowing your budget and how long you want to run ads for is essential. To understand how much of your marketing budget you have free to spend on Facebook ads, have a look at your total marketing budget and how it’s divided out across all your marketing activities. Determine which portion you’re going to dedicate to Facebook. 

When doing this, make sure you have clear objectives and goals for your business. This will help you to drive the best results from your ads and make sure they contribute to your overall business goals. 

We always recommend starting out with a test budget to test the effectiveness of your ads before you scale up with a bigger budget. 

Type of ad 

Facebook provides different ad formats that have different responses from a target audience. Think carefully about the goals of your ads and who you’re targeting to determine which ad type will be the most effective. 

Carousel ads 

These are great if you want to display multiple properties in a certain location or the key features of one property. They can help you to generate leads by providing more information for your audience and more engaging visuals. 

Single image ads

These can help you to highlight particular listings or an event. Use these to promote an open house or your personal brand to build awareness or drive traffic to your website. 

Video ads

A reel or short video is a great way to showcase particular properties and drive additional interest. Or, if you want to provide educational content, film someone on your team talking about tips and tricks for buying or selling a home. 

Messenger ads 

Sending targeted ads through Facebook Messenger helps you to engage with people who might be interested in your services. These ads are great for starting conversations and generating leads. 

Monitor the results 

Lastly, a key step to getting the most from your Facebook ads is monitoring their effectiveness. Look back at your goals and objectives and think about the metrics that will help you to measure your progress towards these. 

This might be: 

  • Engagement - tracking comments and shares
  • Brand awareness - track website traffic 
  • Drive leads - keep track of the number of people who fill out a form 
  • Close warm leads - use retargeting ads 

Knowing how your ads are performing will help you to continuously improve them and keep getting the most from them. Sometimes it can take a little bit of testing and tweaking to find a formula that works but, once you find it, you can spend more on the ads that work and drive better results. 

Key takeaways 

Facebook ads are a great tool for property and estate agency businesses. A wide range of people use the platform which means you can target a number of different people when it comes to selling properties and finding potential buyers. 

You can’t just set them up and leave them running, you’ll need to think carefully about what you want to achieve and who your audience is to make sure they drive the best results for your business and help you to reach your goals. 

If you’d like to find out more about Facebook ads for estate agents or you’d like a free digital marketing audit for your business, please contact us on hello@logica-digital.co.uk

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Blog written by

Connor Young
Digital Marketing Executive