Digital Marketing for Estate Agents: 6 Top Tips 

More homeowners, renters and buyers than ever are searching online when looking for a property so it's essential that you get your estate agency or property business online.

More home buyers than ever are turning to online channels in their hunt for a new property. In fact, research shows that 90% of home buyers search online during their home-buying process. Plus, 100% of home buyers use the internet to search for a property. 

What does this mean for your business? 

You need to build a strong online presence to make sure that buyers and sellers find your business and your properties when they’re searching online. This means creating an effective digital marketing strategy that’s going to help you drive results over the long-term. 

In this blog, we’ll have a look at how digital marketing can help your property or estate agency business and our top tips for building an effective digital marketing strategy. 

How can digital marketing help you grow your estate agency or property business? 

One of the biggest benefits of a digital marketing strategy for your business is building awareness of your brand in your local area and increasing visibility. With more home buyers and sellers searching online than ever before, making sure they can find you is essential to success. You can’t just rely on customers walking into your high street locations anymore. 

Digital marketing for the property sector, provides one of the best ways to build trust and credibility with your customers. It allows you to share your expertise and build a relationship with home buyers in the area until they’re ready to buy. Buying or selling a property is a huge decision so a relationship is essential. 

6 top tips for digital marketing for estate agents 

Let’s have a look at the key strategies we’d recommend you focus on when creating an effective digital marketing strategy for your estate agency or property business. 

Top tip 1: Think about the full funnel 

As we have already mentioned, buying or selling a home is not a quick or easy decision. It can take time to find the right property so not every home owner or buyer is going to be in the market at the same time. 

As a result, ensuring that your digital marketing activities take the full marketing funnel into account is essential.

The marketing funnel shows how people move through the purchase decision before they’re ready to buy from a business. 

Customers are not going to buy from you immediately. To engage with you in the first place, they need to be aware that you exist. Then, you need to build a relationship and trust with them until they’re ready to use your services. 

In a competitive market, being able to keep your customers engaged until they’re ready to use your services will help you to stand out and prevent them from going to your competitors. 

When you’re running digital marketing activities, always have the funnel in mind and think about where the activity sits. Not only will this help you to get the most from it, it will also help you to measure the results effectively. 

Top tip 2: Utilise SEO 

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) will help you to make sure that your website is visible when your potential clients are searching in search engines such as Google

When customers are searching for terms such as ‘estate agent near me’, ‘houses for sale in sheffield’ ‘properties to let in sheffield’ etc, optimising your site for relevant terms to both you and your customers will help you to drive traffic to your website and increase your chances of being able to build a relationship. 

Your SEO strategy will include everything from the way your site is built to the content you create and post on your site. 

📕Learn more about using SEO in our blog: SEO for estate agents and the property industry: top tips for boosting your strategy

Top tip 3: Create a content marketing strategy 

Content marketing provides you with a way to build brand awareness and drive leads for your business. The main goal is to inform your existing and prospective customers and share your expertise in your industry. 

Focus on sharing informative and educational content, not just content that directly promotes your business. While this content can have its place at the bottom of the funnel, for most of the customer journey, it’s all about sharing your knowledge with your prospective customers and keeping them engaged until they’re ready to contact you or buy from you. 

The types of content you can create include: 

  • Blog posts 
  • Videos 
  • Newsletters 
  • Ebooks 
  • Infographics 

Offering your prospective customers information that’s related to your local property market or areas and helping customers on their journey to buying, renting or selling their home can really help you to stand apart from the competition. 

Again, think about how the content you create fits into the full marketing funnel to ensure it’s as successful as possible. 

📕Learn more about content marketing in our blog: Content marketing for estate agents: how to use content marketing to grow your property business

Top tip 4: Reach your potential customers on social media 

It’s easy to overlook social media when you’re creating a digital marketing strategy for your estate agency or property business. Building a good social media presence on the channels your target audience is using can be a great way to build relationships and stay in touch with customers throughout their entire journey and beyond. 

The benefits of utilising social media include: 

  • Increase brand awareness 
  • Humanises your brand
  • Provides you with an opportunity to showcase your expertise  
  • Stay top of mind with customers until they’re ready to contact you 
  • Generate leads for your business 

You won’t be able to directly sell your services on your social media platforms but posting content such as videos and photos of the properties you have for sale or rent, top tips for buying, selling or renting a property can show customers what you can offer them if they were to use your services. 

When you utilise it properly and make sure you use the channels, social media can be a highly effective channel for your business. 

📕Learn more about social media marketing in our blog: How to use social media for estate agents

Top tip 5: Try Facebook Advertising 

You can utilise Facebook Advertising to target the right people in the right places and drive traffic to your website. 

Facebook ads can help you to reach a wider, more targeted audience and capture their attention across the marketing funnel. Facebook allows you to create ads with a number of different objectives, from brand awareness through to lead generation. 

We usually recommend thinking about the journey your customers are taking before they contact you and use this journey to carefully plan your ads strategy. You can also take advantage of the number of available ad types, including videos, images and messenger ads to reach a wide range of people and let them know more about your brand and what you can do. 

📕Learn more about running Facebook Ads in our blog: A complete guide to Facebook ads for estate agents

Top tip 6: Run email marketing campaigns 

When you’re selling a service with a long purchase journey, email marketing is a cost-effective tool. 

You need to build long-term relationships with your customers because some may take months or years to decide to use your services. Email can help you to stay top of mind and send out personalised emails to the people who have engaged with your brand but who might not be ready to make contact yet. 

To be effective, you must plan out your email marketing strategy to ensure it’s aligned with your customer’s needs and the information they want before deciding to use an estate agency. 

📕Learn more about creating an email marketing strategy in our blog: The complete guide to email marketing for estate agents and property businesses

Key takeaways 

In such a crowded market and with so many customers searching online, making sure that your estate agency or property business has an online presence is going to be essential to the ongoing success of your business.

Being able to keep customers engaged throughout the marketing funnel will help you to keep your sales pipeline full with customers at each end consistently. A good digital marketing strategy will be well-planned and executed to ensure you’re reaching the right people, places, and time. 

It can be impossible to know where to start or to execute these digital marketing strategies effectively when you’re trying to do it all yourself, it can also be time consuming. You could also outsource to a digital marketing agency which will help you to save time and get more from your digital marketing campaigns. 

If you’d like to know more about creating a digital marketing strategy for your business, please contact us, we’d be happy to provide you with a free digital marketing audit to show you what you could improve on and if there’s anything missing. Email us at to find out more about our digital marketing services. 

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Blog written by

Amy Ward