Is SEO a waste of money? Do you really need to invest in SEO?

Is SEO really worth the investment? Read our blog to find out more and help you decide whether SEO is right for your business.

SEO is a strategy used by large and small businesses alike. Believe it or not, there’s a good reason why so many businesses utilise SEO, especially when it’s done correctly. It has the power to have a huge impact on business growth and sales when employed as a long-term strategy. 

With so many different channels available when it comes to digital marketing, we understand that knowing where to start can feel overwhelming. You can put your budget into a range of strategies, but are they all worth your money? With so much choice, it’s crucial to know which strategies offer the best outcome.

Let’s take a look into SEO and if it’s worth your investment.

What is SEO and why is it beneficial?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) aims to improve organic search engine rankings. This means that SEO helps your website appear at the top of the search results when people search for products or services like yours.

SEO helps to build brand awareness so it’s a strategy that should always be considered when it comes to business growth. It can help you reach the right customers by targeting the right keywords, building backlinks, using effective content marketing (or ‘on-page SEO’), and considering your customer’s search intent. 

For example, 10 visitors who searched for ‘facial massage in Sheffield’ if you’re a business based in Sheffield will be searching with the direct intent to book or visit with you. On the other hand, 500 visitors who are searching for ‘what is a facial massage?’ are probably not ready to book with your or visit yet but may be in the future. 

SEO is responsible for driving relevant organic traffic to your website and, therefore, has the potential to increase sales too! It specifically targets searchers who are searching for exactly what you offer. So, understanding SEO services and what SEO strategy works best for your business is entirely worth your time.

Not only does it boost brand visibility, but it also helps your website rank highly in search engine results.

What if I don’t invest in SEO?

Over the last few years, online websites have become a crucial part of success for most businesses. If you don’t have an online presence, how are your customers going to find your services? 

We’re not saying you need to put a huge amount of budget into your SEO strategy because sometimes a simple, small change in strategy can make a big difference. As long as you’re utilising SEO in the best possible way for your business, that’s what matters. 

Remember, without SEO, you’re at risk of not attracting relevant visitors to your website and missing out to your competitors, which means it will be difficult to boost sales for your business. Without it, you have a lower chance of generating organic traffic to your website!

When should I start using SEO?

There is essentially no ‘wrong’ time to begin investing in SEO. If anything, the sooner you start investing, the better! SEO doesn’t produce immediate results in the same way as other channels, such as PPC, as it takes time to climb up the search rankings, especially when you have competitors in the same market. However, as we’ve already mentioned, as long as you’re utilising SEO in the correct way, you should begin to see positive results within three to six months. 

Once your SEO campaign is rolling, its maintenance is equally as important as the SEO set-up. Keywords need to be regularly checked, and content must be created consistently. This will ensure that you’re targeting current trends in consumer behaviour and you’re keeping up with your competitors.

So, is SEO worth the investment?

SEO is worth your time and money if it’s used correctly. With keyword research, competitor analysis, and an understanding of customer intent, SEO has the potential to increase organic traffic to your website and increase your sales. It’s a strategy that will grow and adapt with your brand, generating long-term success.

How we can help

If you’re looking for an SEO agency with an attention to detail and a successful SEO track record, Logica Digital are here to help.

With over 15 years of experience, our professional team are experts in SEO content strategy, Local SEO, and Technical SEO. We’re confident that our SEO strategies drive results. 

If you’d like to learn more or get in contact with us, email our team on

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Blog written by

Amy Ward